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Welcome to Mapleton Bridge Club.


Is a friendly community based bridge club. We welcome players of all experience levels to our Friday morning bridge sessions.

We meet at Kureelpa Hall//Cnr of Jewett Rd and Nambour / Mapleton Road, Kureelpa.

FRIDAY - 8.15am for 8.30 start, finishing between 12.00 and 12.30

Visitors are welcome, if you need a partner contact us and we will try to help.

Fees $6.00 for Members and $7.00 for Visitors

Please contact Judy Spanner 0408 415 147

Enquiries: [email protected]

MAPLETON CONTRACT BRIDGE CLUB Inc//is an Incorporated Association, No. IA16941, under the Queensland Associations Incorporation Act 1981 and has Public Liability Insurance of $5 million.

(C) Altosoft and Mapleton Bridge Club 2025
Site template developed by Peter Busch, Altosoft
and content managed by Mapleton Bridge Club 
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